Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 26-Wednesday February 17

Finally, I have gotten caught up on my blog!

Today, more school and cooking with Laura. Tonight we made burgers, broccoli, and potatoes. It was amazing!

Nothing major happend today other then I feel asleep in class. I didn't even wake up when the teacher called on me! oops...but tonight I'm going to bed early so fingers crossed it doesn't happen again :D

Day 25-Tuesday February 16

Hm...Tuesday. I LOVE TUESDAYS! I have class from 1400-1600. That's it! So, I layed in bed till noon cause it seemed like the right thing to do :D

After getting my self out of bed I took a quick shower and headed to class. After class Laura and I ran to the post so she could send off some post cards. As we were waiting at the tram stop I somehow managed to roll my ankle over a crack in the sidewalk...resulting in me falling down. Not just tripping, I was legit on my hands and knees! To say the least a few ppl were giving me funny looks so I made Laura walk with me to the next stop so I didn't have wait with all the people who just saw me make a fool of myself.

Laura and I ended up making dinner that night that would have made our mothers proud. It wasn't as good as the rice, chicken and veggies the night before but it was close.

When we finished dinner we headed to centre ville (down town) to go to a Mardi Gras party for the american students. After trying to figure out the directions we gave up and went to O'Donnell's. We all got hot chocolates and apple frosts and enjoyed just hanging out. Laura and I left early cause I was really tired but it was a good night. It was entertaining to watch how into soccer everyone is here (there was a game on the tv).

Day 24-Monday February 15

Good news, starting to feel a little bit better! Went to class and had a good time. The stuff we are going over I already know and it's a little lame but I'm getting more comfortable speaking in French.

Since I wasn't able to go out at all this past weekend, I was going to meet Kelsey at the bar to hangout. Going to take the tram downtown and it made it all of 10ft before it suddenly stopped working. I ended up getting stuck in the tram for 20 minutes. That was fun! When I finally got out of the tram it would have been another 30 mins before the next one. So needless to say...I went home for the night.

Day 23-Sunday February 14

Valentine's Day!!! Do you know what that means? -YES!!! today is the day they dearmed the bomb. Good news=no explosion...Bad news=I was still to sick to go to Saint Micheal

I felt really sick and just wanted to lay in bed all day but remember that thing I forgot about...yep that would be toilet paper. So I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the store. Suprise! Since the public transportation was down due to the bomb-releated activites, Carrfour was closed. I got Lucky though, the food court place was still open. That ment even though I wasn't out of tp yet, but feared it would happen, I bought an orange juice and fruit. Why? Cause then I could use the bathroom! I pulled a Bethie and stole alot of tp so I'd be set for at least a few days :D

The stealing of the toilet paper was the highlight of my day. Sounds lame I know. After I got home with my stolen goods I continued to lay in bed thinking I was going to die. And that was my crazy fun Sunday :S

Day 22-Saturday February 13

Guess who stayed in bed all day sick? ...yep ME!! It was the first time I've really gotten lonley. All the other girls went out shopping but I didn't feel good. I did make a trip down to Carrfour since I really needed milk and one other thing (but I couldn't remember what). Well, the thing I forgot leads to a good story for Sunday. After getting milk I felt really sick and for some reason hoped Mc D's would cure my sickness. Odd, I know but Mc D's actually settled my stomach. I came back to my dorm and watched movies and went to bed.

Day 21-Friday February 12

Class seemed to start super early today even though it was only 10h20! I think it's casuse I'm not feeling the best :-( The classes I am in are alot of fun. I'm in a writing class, oral/spoken french class, phenetics, and just a general course. All my teachers appear to be cool and more then willing to help with anything their students need.

After class, Kelsey, Kelli, Laura, Molly and I all went to Carrefour. We got stuff to make dinner. It was the 1st legit dinner I've had since being here and it was amazing!!! Pasta with mushrooms, red peper, and chicken in a red sauce. And for dessert...Mc Donald's Mc Flurry :D Yep altogether a good night except we are all sick with cold except Laura.

Day 20-Thursday February 11

Well, apparently here 3 inches of snow qualifies as a SNOW DAY!!! Laura and I got up for class and went to catch the tram...funny thing is, they weren't running. Yes, what I thought was a little bit of snow appears to stop all public transport around here. And so Laura and I started walking back to our dorms. Anyone wanna guess who started slipping backward then over corrected and faceplanted into the snow??? Yep, that was me. Laura informed me she considered helping but she didn't want to fall too. I don't blame her, we both got a good laugh out of it.

The two of us ended up walking to the store to buy groceries and such. It ended up being a really busy day. At the store I bought some laundry detergent and had to go all old school on my dirty clothes...Yep, I washed them in the sink. Sad thing is that I didn't have anywhere to hang them to dry. I discovered that if I tie an entire package of hairties together that I can string them across my room...and boom, instant clothesline!

Sad to say that was as eventfull as my day got but at least I got something accomplished :D

Day 19-Wednesday February 10

Well, I've been a little slow with my posts but here is what happened that day.

Wednesday, Laura, Kelli, and I finally found our class. Not much happened other than going to class all day and everyone getting a cold.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 19-Wednesday February 10

Not much today. Kelli, Laura and I found our class. Which was good because we had a long day today. Most exciting event: trying to explain what ketchup was to a girl from Vietnam. Took about ten minutes but I think she gets it.

The weather here was crazy today. Started off cloudy, then sunny, then sleeting, then wind, then sun, then alot of wind and snow. Reminds me alot of North Dakota :D but at least whenever I was walking outside it was nice!

So as a general rule the french partake in alot of PDA (public displays of affection). I'm somewhat indifferent about it given that its a different culture but after awhile I'm like "come on, get a room". Well today a couple was being very cuddly in pubic. Annoyed me because they were really close and for me it was just weird. But after observing for a while I notice the girl had a broken arm and looked sick. Her boyfriend was so cute trying to take care of her. SO as of now, I know PDA is not cool in the US but I am undecided how I feel about it here.

Well, other than that not much happened today. Some homework, watched a movie, and ate. Hopefully I'll be able to find a laundry room soon, I'm starting to run out of clothes. So that is my mission for tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 18-February 9

Well, another unproductive day here. I slept in, watched a movie, and check my e-mail until I had to get up for class. Which was at two. Today's class was located in a building I've never been to. I called Laura and Kelli because I was lost, as it turns out...we were all lost. We got together and looked for the building together but no luck. So, we all missed class this afternoon :( After a good deal of searching for our class Laura and Kelli went to the dorms. I went in search of the man in charge of my program. A quick call to Kelsey help me find the building and his office. I bought a ticket for the field trip put on by the CEFA program. This Sunday CEFA has a trip planned to Mont Saint-Michel. I'm looking forward to it but I am a little nervous. I'm the only UND person going. I'm hoping to meet some new people. I know one guy from Texas, Thomas who is going so I won't be completly alone. And his french is really good, so I might actually know whats going on for once.

Ticket in hand I went back to my dorm. I had a great Facebook chat with Maddie. She made the first tear come to my eye since I've left North Dakota :D I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends that stick with me no matter what! Maddie had to get going so I decided to e-mail one of my professors to let her know why I was not in class. We get in trouble for using english so I managed a decent e-mail in French. She got back to me quickly and said its not a big deal and that she would let my professor know what happened. She also sent me a map and directions so I can find the building for class tomorrow :D

Since apparently I didn't get enough sleep...I took a nap! When I woke up Laura and I headed to the mall close to our dorm. I got some notebooks and milk and cereal. Basically everything that has become a necessity to me. Now Laura nad I are just hanging out at Mc Donald's enjoying their crazy fast internet. Seriously it is impossible to find a decent internet connection in this country. Thank got for Mc D's!